100% quality satisfaction - 100% money refund or complete replacement offered if you are not satisfied with the product quality. Please note that any false or doubtful complaints will not be entertained at all...
Mutton curry cut Raan, Puth & Chaamp, is the lean meat of a goat that you choose to hop on. It is tender, moist and too squishy to have. The meat pieces are very well chopped and prepared especially for the curries...
Meatbyte Goat Mince is obtained from cuts of boneless goat meat that has been ground perfectly. Goat mince is also known as keema and has a fine-grained, delicate texture, with a robust flavour. Obtained from grass-fed, humanely raised goats, it is rich in minerals and vitamins and is ideal for keba..
Mutton Paya is a stew like, rich, spicy, runny curry that’s cooked with goat trotters or lamb trotters with a special blend of spices. Goat Paya is best enjoyed with piping hot white rice, Naan or Chapathi. The goat trotters or goat hooves are traditionally slow cooked to make an awesome b..
The bone soup is a healthy, hot and fresh soup and keeps away winter ailments such as cold and flu away to a certain extent and gives respite from cold. Not only mutton soup but there are many other soups that can be made and are healthy in maintaining the calcium levels of the body too..
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